MVPD Survive Alive Fire Safety House
Fire Safety is our most important mission. We are most fortunate to have a "Survive Alive" Fire Safety house to teach children how to prevent and how to survive a fire in their home. The "Survive Alive" Trailer is a fully furnished mock up of a residential home. It is used to educate youth in the areas of: fire safety, fire prevention, 911 training and storm safety.
The Fire Safety house was utilized at all the grade schools in Mt. Vernon as well as the Posey County Fair in July and the Safety Fair in September. Our members also trained Firefighters from other area Departments to use the Fire Safety house in their own districts. Due to these efforts, approximately 1,300 Posey County children learned to help protect themselves and their families from the devastating effects of house fires.
If you would like to schedule the Survive Alive Trailer, or any other safety program, please contact the Fire Department at least two weeks in advance of the event date. All efforts will be made to accommodate your specific needs.
Phone (812) 838-3447